Virginia Hawkins Falls


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The last time I visited Virginia Hawkins Falls was about four years ago. I wasn't overly impressed with it initially. Maybe it was because I was very much a beginner in photography and didn't see its potential. Maybe the flow was poor.

But on this day, I really liked it. Conditions were very favorable luckily.

The falls this day had a very tropical feel to it. The rocks were extremely slippery so footing was horrible. Staying off the moss was very important to me.

Overall, it was really a joy to photograph.

Thanks for viewing my photos. Comments are always welcome.

Please visit if interested in purchasing prints.


Copyright Reid Northrup, 2020. All Rights Reserved, Worldwide.

Please don't use my photos in any way without permission


Mike Koenig

Mike Koenig 2020-06-22T22:50:56+00:00

Really nice man!



Reid Northrup

Reid Northrup

I consider myself a semi-pro photographer living in beautiful western North Carolina. Primarily, I'...

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Model NIKON D850

Lens 17.0-35.0 mm f/2.8

Focal Length 19mm

Shutter Speed 2.5

Aperture F16

ISO 64

Taken At Wed, Jun 17, 2020 12:10 PM


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