Gage Creek Falls
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Found another new waterfall to visit yesterday. This is the surprisedly beautiful Gage Creek Falls in western North Carolina. I had never heard of this waterfall nor seen any photos of it.
It was supposed to be a sunny day which is not good for waterfall photography. So I looked through a local waterfall book and noticed this one since it was in mostly shade.
The guide didn't mention that the trail was nearly invisible in most places so we followed the creek upstream and left trail tape along the way to help us find our way out. This is not a hike to do by yourself or without an emergency beacon. It is in the middle of nowhere. There were a few places where we had to crawl on elbows and knees under fallen trees. Then the "trail" ended at the top of the waterfall with no apparent way down a very steep bank. We backtracked a bit and I thought I could bushwhack down about 75 feet to the stream. It wasn't too bad but then I had to walk in the stream another 40 yards to get to the main waterfall.
But what a gorgeous waterfall. Conditions were perfect. The waterfall offered so many compositional opportunities. I'll be posting other images coming up.
Thanks for viewing my photos. Comments are always welcome.
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Copyright Reid Northrup, 2020. All Rights Reserved, Worldwide.
Please don't use my photos in any way without permission.
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Model NIKON D850
Lens 17.0-35.0 mm f/2.8
Focal Length 19mm
Shutter Speed 2.5
Aperture F16
ISO 160
Taken At Tue, Aug 11, 2020 10:48 AM
Mike Koenig 2020-08-14T13:37:06+00:00
Wow that sounds like a trip! Such a nice falls though.