Yellow Creek Falls


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I was able to visit another new waterfall yesterday, Yellow Creek Falls. It really is beautiful. Always love getting the opportunity to see more of the many waterfalls western North Carolina has to offer.

With all the recent rains, the water flow was a bit heavy so I'll need to go back when it's down a bit. I'd like to see a little more character in the water. There are several compositional aspects and I will post more in the coming days.

After leaving here I ventured to some other possible photo locations but nothing looked too appealing so I headed home on the Parkway. I saw one opportunity so I stopped and grabbed my gear. But where was my tripod. AAGGGHHH! I thought it might still be back at Yellow Creek. So I headed back almost 90 min and luckily found it. Whew! What a awful feeling. But fortunately the day ended on a much relieved note thankfully. I'll be extra careful next time.

Thanks for viewing my photos. Comments are always welcome.

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Copyright Reid Northrup, 2020. All Rights Reserved, Worldwide.

Please don't use my photos in any way without permission.


Terri Campbell

Terri Campbell 2020-07-30T00:59:56+00:00

I love the composition here!! Beautiful image, Reid...

Reid Northrup

Reid Northrup 2020-07-30T22:43:25+00:00

Thanks very much Terri.


Mike Koenig

Mike Koenig 2020-07-29T16:40:40+00:00

Very nice capture Reid. Sorry about tripod. Had to chuckle a little even though not funmy. Like how waterfall seems to nearly connect with that lower cascade.

Reid Northrup

Reid Northrup 2020-07-30T22:45:12+00:00

Thanks Mike except for the tripod comment. This was a beauty. Wish the water flow would have been a little less to provide more definition. Next time. Too bad you're not closer. There are so many in western part of state.


Mike Koenig

Mike Koenig 2020-07-30T23:59:53+00:00

Been wishing i was a little further west actually. Seems like a good portion of these too far for me.



Reid Northrup

Reid Northrup

I consider myself a semi-pro photographer living in beautiful western North Carolina. Primarily, I'...

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Model NIKON D850

Lens 17.0-35.0 mm f/2.8

Focal Length 20mm

Shutter Speed 1/8

Aperture F16

ISO 400

Taken At Tue, Jul 28, 2020 10:50 AM


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