Mountain Hydrangea Trio of Buds
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Given the warm dry weather lately, I decided to take my camera out for a walk around our gardens. Took a few of this mountain hydrangea and liked this one. For this image I focus stacked seven photos to get the three buds in focus. I softened the flowers with Color Efex Pro and gave it a bit more "pop" with Topaz.
Thanks for viewing my photos. Comments are always welcome.
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Copyright Reid Northrup, 2020. All Rights Reserved, Worldwide.
Please don't use my photos in any way without permission.
Terri Campbell 2020-07-21T22:26:46+00:00
I'd seen this when you posted on IG or FB one, can't remember, but wow...gorgeous shot. excellent work!!
1Mike Koenig 2020-07-17T02:31:21+00:00
Very nicely done my friend.