Waterfall at Reynolda Gardens


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Waterfall and Footbridge at Reynolda Gardens in Winston-Salem, NC.

This was my first successful attempt at a "long exposure" once I got back into photography. This was in 2012 and frankly, knowing what I know now, I'm surprised at how much I still like this photo after all these years.


Bryan Pollard

Bryan Pollard 2020-07-01T17:02:14+00:00

Yeah, it's really easy to get to. Go to the main entrance for Reynolda Gardens (where the arboretum is) on Reynolda Road just south of the WFU entrance, go all the way back until you reach a parking lot next to a big soccer field. Park and walk across the field and it's right there. It faces due west so plan accordingly.


Mike Koenig

Mike Koenig 2020-07-01T16:53:50+00:00

WOW man. I had no idea this was here. Not too far away either. Thats a nice shot Bryan. Im a fan of bridges and waterfalls kind of a double here.



Bryan Pollard

Bryan Pollard

Love photography... All kinds. Software Developer, Goofball, Child of God.

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Model Canon EOS REBEL T2i

Focal Length 50 mm

Shutter Speed 1.10 sec.

Aperture 5

ISO 100

Taken At Sun, Apr 15, 2012 6:31 PM


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